March for Life 2012

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Princes of the Church lead the Prolifers

(Cardinal Marc Ouellet speaks as Archbishop Thomas Collins looks on)

The princes of the Catholic Church were present to lead the pro lifers in their witness for the life. The Catholic Church has always supported life from conception to natural death. As a matter of fact, life is so precious to the Catholic Church that we are one of the only religions that abhors contraception because it is anti-life and is part of the culture of death.

Some of the seminal works put forward by the church a long time ago and must reads for all pro-lifers include

Humanae Vitae - the Encyclical Letter of Pope Paul VI, this awesome letter in 1968 warns the world and predicts the real consequences of contraception which is abortion.

Theology of the Body
- A series of speeches and articles by Pope John Paul II which talks about the real meaning of love and human realtions and human sexuality within marriage.

Cardinal Marc Ouellet of Quebec spoke to the gathered prolifers about the value of human life and about the evils of abortion to the fabric of society. He addressed the audience in french.

(Archibishop Thomas Collins adresses the pro-lifers)

Following Cardinal Marc Ouellet, our very own Archbishop of Toronto Thomas Collins spoke to the audience.

(Archbishop Terrence Prendegast SJ of Ottawa)

Also spotted was Archbishop Terrence Prendegast SJ of Ottawa and Toronto Ukrainian Bishop Stephen Chmilar.

(Toronto Ukrainian Bishop Stephen Chmilar)

Also present, but we did not know where to find them were Slovak Bishop John Pazak, Pembroke Bishop Michael Mulhall, London Bishop Ronald Fabbro, Sault Ste-Marie Bishop Jean-Louis Plouffe and retired Archbishop Peter Sutton

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